Earlier this year, as part of our workshop at the IA Summit, we made a robust set of design stencils that map to the Yahoo! Pattern Library and the Yahoo! User Interface Library. These stencils were made for Omnigraffle, Visio, Adobe Illustrator and PNG files for Photoshop and SVG for other applications.
We have now pushed these stencils live out onto the Yahoo! Pattern Library for anyone to download and use. They are given out under the Creative Commons attribution license and can be reused, remixed, and otherwise shared.
We will continue to add to these as we add patterns and components to the libraries.
I hope that people find them useful in helping quick start their design efforts and in helping create a bridge between design and code (all the YUI components have code to support them at the YUI site).
Please let us know if you have issues with any of these and if you have ideas for new components we should be adding to the suite.