
Lost Women of Interaction Design Talks

Lost Women of IXD
Invited speaker at Apple
November 2023

The Lost Women of the Early Internet Era
UX Camp Chicago
Spring/Summer May 20, 2023

The Women of IXDA – Panel Moderator
Panel during the Interaction 23 Conference with the founding women of IXDA. 20 years.
Interaction 23
February 2023, Zurich, Switzerland

Lost Women of IXD
HCI Seminar, CS547
Stanford University
February 2023
Recording of the talk on YouTube

10 Lost Women of IXD
East Carolina UX Design Lecture Series
Invited Lecturer
April 2022

Lost Women of IXD
Design History Society
Hidden Histories: Gender in Design Seminar Series
Selected paper for presentation
April 2022
Recording of the presentation session (YouTube)

Ecosystem of Online Hate Talks & Social Patterns: Anti-Hate by Design

The Informed Life podcast
Discussing the Social Patterns mitigating hate work for ADL
Interviewed by host Jorge Arango
Podcast originally aired September 11, 2022

Deconstructing the ecosystem of hate
The IA Conference
April 2021

Deconstructiong the ecosystem of hate
UX Australia
August, 2021

Mapping Hate
Interaction 21
February 2021
Video of my presentation (Vimeo)

Social Interface Design & Patterns Talks

The Foundations of Social Interface Design
Webinar for O’Reilly Media

Designing Social Interfaces
Corporate Guest Lecture
2010, Los Angeles IxDA

Patterns, components and code
An Event Apart 2010
2010, Minneapolis

Designing Social Interfaces: 5 principles, 5 practices, 5 anti-patterns
2009 San Francisco

Designing for Ratings and Reviews
UIE Webinar

Go With The Flow – Onboarding, Engagement and Virality
2010, Palo Alto

Social Patterns talk
Web 2.0
2009, SF

Designing Social Interfaces talk
IA Summit
2009, Memphis

Designing Social Interfaces, 5 Principles, 5 Practices, 5 Anti-Patterns
UIE Web App Masters Tour
2010, Philadelphia

Social Mania – the social patterns game
Interaction 10
2010, Savannah, GA

Designing Social Interfaces: 5 steps, 5 principles, 5 anti-patterns
IDEA 09 
2009, Toronto

Implementing a Pattern Library in the Real World: A Yahoo! Case Study
IA Summit
2005, Montreal, Canada

Other Talks of Various Topics

Trust + AI
Discussing solutions to combat fake news and bring trust and transparency to AI. 
Swissnex, San Francisco
November 2022

Re:Design Symposium
Conference Chair
& delivered a workshop on bookmaking as metaphor to prototyping for interaction design
2016, San Francisco

How to Write a How-To
Design Writing Summit sponsored by Boxes and Arrows
2015, San Francisco

IA Conference 2022
Information Architecture annual conference. Co-chair with 2 others and a student chair. Curation lead, Sponsor lead, Fireside chat with George Oates (Friday keynote).
June 2021 – April 2022, Online April 2022 [Gather]

Start using UX as a Weapon
Keynote talk Web 2.0 Expo SF 2011
March 2011, San Francisco

The Future is Already Here, Three Trends in IA
Opening Keynote, German IA Konferenz
2010,  Koln, Germany

The UX of Sales
IA Summit
2014, San Diego