I was interviewed

Published today on Boxes and Arrows, Will Evans interviews Christian Crumlish, Lucas Pettinati and I about design patterns, building pattern libraries and things like constraints and ethics.

“Constraints are a fact of life. Patterns are just tools to guide decisions. Converting every pattern to a component solution with skin and code will limit a designers options but they still have to resolve how it will all go together in a cohesive way—how the hierarchy of information guides the user; how pieces move from one into another; how to keep things from clashing or being confusing. And, in almost every design problem I’ve seen, there are also one-off, new problems to be solved.”

Read the whole interview and then come take our workshop at Interactions 09 in Vancouver or the IA Summit in Memphis.

current: experience matters design :: senior level interaction design and systems strategy consulting former partner, tangible user experience; Yahoo! founder of the public and internal Yahoo! pattern library. design director of ued teams responsible for designing solutions across key yahoo! platforms: social media, personalization, membership and vertical search.