Designing Social Interfaces Core Conversation & Handout

We had a core conversation at SXSW on Sunday which was quite interesting to me and I hope interesting to people attending. The audience brought up some great questions and we spent a bit of time talking about ethics which we don’t talk about in depth in the book other than reminding designers to think about the ethics of what they do in certain contexts. We will be rolling these questions into our review process and make sure, where appropriate, that we address issues people brought up.

We gave out a handout which features and awesome diagram by Bryce Glass showing the ecosystem of the social interfaces landscape. We consider this a .5 release of the diagram and if you have comments or feedback or disagreements I would love to hear them. This diagram will evolve as our thinking and organization evolves.

current: experience matters design :: senior level interaction design and systems strategy consulting former partner, tangible user experience; Yahoo! founder of the public and internal Yahoo! pattern library. design director of ued teams responsible for designing solutions across key yahoo! platforms: social media, personalization, membership and vertical search.