Conducting a workshop at the 2008 IA Summit – register now!

I am conducting a preconference workshop, with my esteemed colleagues Christian Crumlish and Lucas Pettinati, on building a pattern library and using patterns and code libraries to build sites. The official title: Design patterns: from interaction to design to build

The full workshop description is posted on the conference website. I highly recommend you check it out and sign up!

It should be a fun and informational day filled with history, the lessons we have learned and advice from our experiences at Yahoo! and case studies from development and design organizations who have used our libraries to help build their sites and their own libraries for reuse.

current: experience matters design :: senior level interaction design and systems strategy consulting former partner, tangible user experience; Yahoo! founder of the public and internal Yahoo! pattern library. design director of ued teams responsible for designing solutions across key yahoo! platforms: social media, personalization, membership and vertical search.