obligatory end of year post

it’s the last day of the year and I think I should be reflecting on things from this past year. It was a year of constants and change at the job – lots of expansion of the Platform role and the team. I hired 13 awesome people to the team. The end of the year saw another reorg and the team I built split up across the company. For me personally, it means a change in roles and focus towards the Yahoo! Developer Network – a role I am extremely excited about.

On the personal side – this year has been one of kicking photographic ass. I had goals and was focused. I did a lot of shooting this year – working on various projects – some of which are still in progress.

I set my sites on joining the Bay Area Photographers Collective – and through a series of portfolio reviews and meetings – am now a member of this group.

I was diligent in submitting my work to several juried shows and had work in eight shows, one of which I was honored to receive prize money from. I also have my first solo exhibition which will come down this week.

I launched Without Lenses – an online quarterly journal for lensless photography. Trading in my experience from Boxes and Arrows and my love of photography and my insane need to create things – I launched this on pinhole day 2007.

It’s been a good year and I have met a ton of of amazing people through the f295 forums, through Without Lenses, through flickr and through my work as a design director.

I am proud of what I have accomplished this year both professionally and personally and am making goals and plans for 2008 to be even more interesting and hopefully as successful.

current: experience matters design :: senior level interaction design and systems strategy consulting former partner, tangible user experience; Yahoo! founder of the public and internal Yahoo! pattern library. design director of ued teams responsible for designing solutions across key yahoo! platforms: social media, personalization, membership and vertical search.