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1999 Season

the honored patient program
One of the unique things about the Team in Training program is the honored patient program.

Each of us participating in the program is paired with an honoree, who is someone in the Bay Area whose life has been affected by Leukemia. This program helps put a face to the oftentimes faceless aspect of organizations and diseases.

my honoree

My honoree is Galen Patrick Duncan Cook. Galen is an active three year old who was recently diagnosed with Leukemia and will begin the major part of his treatment in September. Galen likes to climb at the playground, run around at Rompergym and scribble with his markers. His favorite videos are "Toy Story", "Peter Pan" and "Thomas the Tank Engine".

I met Galen at the kick-off and he is a beautiful child with a disarming smile and bright strawberry blonde hair.

He wouldn't let us take his picture so here is one provided by TNT. I will post more pictures as I get to know Galen and his family better.


Here is a picture of Galen at the Honoree picnic that was held in September after our first 6 mile run. He had a great time. Bubbles and big wheels were very popular.