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1999 Season

updated 6/13/99

what is team in training?
Team in Training is a unique training program that offers runners, cyclists, and triathletes of all athletic abilities a three to five month comprehensive training program under the guidance of world class athletes.

In return for professional training with a team and travel to a marathon or century sites, the participants raise valuable funds in the fight against leukemia and related cancers.

Each member of the team participates in honor of a child or adult from our community affected by leukemia. Completing a marathon, century ride or triathlon is a celebration of human spirit, physical ability and mental endurance. For members of Team in Training, it is also a celebration of life.

The TNT Mission Statement

Team in Training is a comprehensive endurance training program for runners, walkers and cyclists to benefit the Leukemia Society of America.

The goal of Team in Training is to increase funding to support the Society's mission while promoting fitness and healthy life-styles.

Check out the Northern California chapter's web site.